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Vigil Reportback

Around 25 people braved the bitter winds of the Toronto's financial district on Friday in a vigil to protest the killings of three human rights advocates who were killed for speaking out against the unethical practices of Canadian mining companies in Latin America. ...

Gaon Chodab Nahi

This song describes the present day exploitation of tribal land and forests in the name of development.  Inspired by a song by Bhaghwan Maaji, leader of the adivasi struggle against bauxite mining in Kashipur, India.

Guatemala Reportback – Someone Else’ Treasure

Title: Guatemala Reportback - Someone Else' TreasureLocation: Tequilla Bookworm, 512 Queen St. WestLink out: Click hereDescription: Home to sixty per cent of the world's mining companies, Canada leads the way in the global mining industry. But people the world over...

Assassination of a Leader Opposed to Mining Exploitation in Chiapas

by Elio Henriquez, correspondent for “La Jornada”                Saturday 28th November, 2009 (translated by Megan Kinch) On Friday night, 27th , Mariano Abarca Roblero was assassinated by gunshot. Mariano was one of the strongest opposition leaders against mining...

FINALLY! A week’s worth of great reporting in the Toronto Star

Mainstream press in Canada is reporting on Canadian Mining abuses abroad This week's reporting in the Toronto Star included a series of important reports on Canadian mining companies operating abroad. The first report detailed allegations (backed with video evidence)...

Digging for Gold, Mining Corruption

In the heart of Africa, did a Canadian mining company cut a deal with an infamous and violent African militia that played a major role in the Rwandan genocide of 1994? According to one expert of the militia, known as the “FDLR,” or the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda, the mining company has no other choice if it wants to safely dig up billions-of-dollars worth of gold for themselves and their investors.

People Have Rights, Corporations Have Responsibilities

Here's an opportunity right now to make a difference. Amnesty International is concerned about human rights violations committed directly or indirectly by some Canadian mining, oil and gas companies in developing countries. To ensure that all Canadian companies...