MISN is a grassroots group of unpaid activists that operates on a teeny budget. Our funding comes entirely from individual supporters and a few amazing unions and NGOs. We don’t, have never, and will never receive government or corporate funding of any kind.
If you’d like to support our work or give to our Impacted Community Fund (see below for more details), keep scrolling to the bottom of the page to find out how.

Interested in giving? Here’s how:
one-time Donation through e-transfer
If you’re based in Canada and want to give a one-time donation, you can send an e-transfer to [email protected]. If you have a preference about which of our two funds (see above) you’d like your money to go to, please write either “General Fund” or “Impacted Community Fund” in the message of your etransfer.
one-time Donation through Paypal
If you’d prefer to give a one-time donation via Paypal, you can do so here.
Where Would You Like Your Money to Go?
General Fund
Donating to MISN’s General Fund contributes money directly to our operating budget. Our operating budget is spent on things like art supplies, honoraria for guest speakers, paying interpreters, rental cars to cart equipment around the city, food at events, etc.
Impacted Communities Fund
Anything you donate to this fund will go directly to communities impacted by Canadian mining companies when needed, upon their request.
Examples of needs that have been met in the past through our Impacted Communities Fund include:
- money for land defenders incurring medical costs after experiencing violence for their activism,
- youth scholarships for mining justice activists,
- funeral costs,
- travel costs for land defenders connecting with each other across a distance, etc.

Donation Highlight
For the last few years we’ve been raising money for the Topacio Reynoso Youth Award, to recognize a youth group in Guatemala that is working for social and environmental justice that keeps true to the vision and life of Topacio, a vibrant, smart, creative, hardworking, artistic, poetic, musical 16-year-old who was murdered in connection with her activism against mining company Tahoe Resources. Click here for more information about this award. If you would like your donation to go towards this award, please write “topacio” in the message box of your donation.