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6. Lessons Learned
We learned a ton from the experience and this knowledge has had a major impact on our organizing practices. We explore below some of these lessons learned with the hopes that they might also be useful to others doing any sort of activism related to challenging...
5. Going to the Media
Once we had kicked Alex and Kat out of the group we talked about approaching mainstream media and trying to get them to cover the story. We felt that we had been incredibly lucky in how a lot of this had gone down, partly because those of us who had been directly...
4. Kicking Them Out
At this point we were as convinced as we could be that Kat and Alex were undercover cops (or some other sort of infiltrators) and we also felt that we were subjecting ourselves, our fellow organizers, and allies to unnecessary threat by continuing to associate with...
3. Building Suspicions and Gathering Proof
We first met one of the people that infiltrated our group at a memorial held in late September in 2014 to mark the 5-year anniversary of the death of Adolfo Ich Chaman, a community leader murdered by a Canadian mining company in Guatemala. “Kat” approached one of the...
2. Some Historical Context
In this section we look at the issue of policing in Canada and models used to securitize large events such as the 2015 Pan Am Games.
1. Introduction
Read this if you want to know more about who we are and why we wrote “Damage Control”.
Download the PDF
Download a pdf of the print zine and view a sneak peek of it.
The Beetle
The illustration at the top of this site depicts a Cerapterus pilipennis, or Ant Nest Beetle. These beetles use a variety of methods to infiltrate ant nests, where they live among the colony, prey on its members, and trick the ants into raising their...
There is a lot of great writing in the world about movement infiltration and policing. Find some of it here!