by mininginjustice | Sep 12, 2021 | Uncategorized
The chorus of the song goes: “For all the gold, for all the gold/ This lifeblood running water can’t be bought or sold.”
by mininginjustice | Sep 12, 2021 | Uncategorized
Heirloom Sewing Artist: Kelly Rose Pflug-BackMedium: Clothing made out of discarded textiles made from biodegradable fibres I use discarded textiles made from biodegradable fibres to make clothing. My pieces are an effort to recover a way of life outside of...
by mininginjustice | Aug 12, 2021 | event, MISN Update, Upcoming Events
Thank you to everyone who attended! The event recording and report-back is online here and our new online IMAGININGS gallery is online here. SEPT. 12, 6:30PM EDT. Facebook event here. [En español abajo] We put out a call for imaginings in the spring with...
by mininginjustice | Jun 18, 2021 | MISN Update
This year’s conference just used new language to say the same thing as always: unchecked resource extraction will likely continue. But communities are fighting back. Read the in-depth report back on PDAC 2021.
by mininginjustice | Mar 22, 2021 | MISN Update
UPDATE: Submission deadline extended until April 16th! The world’s largest mining convention comes to Toronto each year, hosted by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC). This year, however, PDAC 2021 will move entirely online. But don’t be fooled...