New members meeting (2 options!):
Tuesday, May 29, 6:30 pm 252 Bloor Street West (OISE), room 5150


Thursday, June 7, 7:30 pm Harvest Noon cafe (upstairs from the GSU bar at UofT), 16 Bancroft, Toronto (map)

Food provided!

A few times a year, MISN holds new members meetings that are open to anyone interested in contributing to MISN activities. The new members meeting is an opportunity to get familiar with our working methods and our current campaigns, to answer questions, and to have a dialogue with “new members” about what their interests are and how they may contribute to MISN. If you have a particular area of interest, that you would like to see represented in MISN’s activities, we would love to hear about it and talk about how we may be able to work towards that. You do not have to be an expert on all mining issues. We do ask, however that you be open to learning and working within an anti-oppressive framework.

MISN is an all volunteer run organization. The Mining Injustice conference, as well as our regular year-round activities, depend on a team of organizers (like you!) to bring it all together. We want your skills, knowledge and energy to make mining companies operating at home and abroad accountable.

MISN is always open to welcoming new people into their working collective. If this isn’t the right time for you, you can email us at a later date so we can let you know when the next regular MISN meeting is and make sure to give you an intro and answer any questions beforehand. But we suggest coming to a new members meeting if you can – you won’t be only new person in the room, and it’s a good chance to get to know one another.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email: [email protected]