UPDATE: Donate in support of Vanessa Gray’s legal fees here.

The following solidarity statement was released on Thursday December 2nd, following the criminalization of Indigenous Land Defender Vanessa Gray. Organizations and groups are invited to sign on here. Stay tuned for additional ways to take action in solidarity.

Indigenous Land Defender, Vanessa Gray, was targeted at her home by Toronto Police Services who charged her in connection to a solidarity action in Toronto attended by hundreds of people on November 21st in response to a violent raid on Wet’suwet’en Territory. Vanessa has been released with conditions, but her targeted arrest must be condemned. 


On November 18th and 19th the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) carried out a militarized raid on Wet’suwet’en Territory. Using axes, chainsaws, assault rifles, and attack dogs, the RCMP arrested over 30 people including legal observers, journalists, Indigenous elders, and matriarchs who were defending their territory from the construction of the Coastal Gaslink pipeline – a pipeline threatening the sacred waters of the Wedzin Kwa that is being shoved through at gunpoint without the consent of the Hereditary Chiefs.


The RCMP raid has resulted in waves of protests and railway blockades across the country, as people from coast to coast unite to support the right of Indigenous self-determination. Charges have been laid against a number of people in other cities. 


Vanessa Gray is a respected Anishinaabe Land Defender known for her environmental justice work concerning pollution in Ontario’s Chemical Valley, which is on the territory of her community of Aamjiwnaang First Nation. She has fearlessly committed herself to the liberation of her people. 


The targeting of Gray is part of a larger pattern of colonial violence in which the Canadian state collaborates with corporations to criminalize Indigenous Land Defenders for the sake of industry interests. 


We, the undersigned organizations, demand that all charges against Gray be dropped immediately. We condemn the Toronto Police for harassing Gray by showing up at her home. Across Turtle Island Indigenous Women have faced violence and been made vulnerable by the Canadian government. We demand an end to this targeted harassment. We condemn all attempts to criminalize and silence Indigenous Land Defenders and all attempts to violently displace Indigenous peoples for industry and capital profits. We support the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs as they protect their lands and waters.


In solidarity with Indigenous Land Defenders from Tkaronto to Wet’suwet’en,

45 Initial Signatories

CPT – Turtle Island Solidarity Network
Mining Injustice Solidarity Network
World BEYOND War
Idle No More
Rising Tide Toronto
Black Lives Matter Canada
Black Lives Matter-Toronto
Peace Brigades International-Canada
Urban Alliance on Race Relations
Porcupine Warriors
No One is Illegal Toronto
Council of Canadians – Ontario, Quebec
United Steelworkers Toronto Area Council
Toronto Prisoners Rights Project
No More Silence
No Pride in Policing Coalition
Climate Justice Toronto
Showing Up for Racial Justice – Toronto
Independent Jewish Voices – Toronto
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)
Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction
Movement Defense Committee
OPIRG Toronto

Migrant Workers Alliance for Change
The Defenders of the Land
Tamil Freedom Coalition
Palestinian Youth Movement -Toronto
Upping the Anti journal
Toronto Street Medics
Toronto BDS Network
Encampment Solidarity Network Parkdale
Spring Socialist Network
Toronto Coalition for Housing (TorCH)
Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
WILPF Canada
Just Peace Advocates / Mouvement pour une Paix Juste
CUPE 3903 Executive Committee
Technoscience Research Unit, University of Toronto
People for Peace London
Council of Canadians, London Chapter
Black Lives Matter London
Idle No More Ontario
Idle No More London
Idle No More – Kitchener/Waterloo
London Regional Social Forum

240 Additional Signatories

350 Bay Area
Academics for Palestine-Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)
Action Environnement Basses-Laurentides (Québec)
Advocates for a Student Culture of Consent
Akali Tange Association Inc
Aluna Theatre
American Indian Movement Southern Ontario
Anakbayan Toronto
Anonymous for the Voiceless, Scarborough
Anti-Imperialist Alliance
Antler River Rally
Arab Canadian Lawyers Association
ARCA–Artists for Real Climate Action
Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation
ARP Books
Artists for Real Climate Action (ARCA)
Autonomous Sinixt
Bangladeshi-Canadian Community Services (BCS)
Banking on a Better Future
Barmard-Boecker Centre Fdtnn
BIPOC in Politics
Blue Planet Project
British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
Broadleaf Theatre
Camp Micah; Leadership for Peace and Justice
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
Canadian BDS Coalition
Canadian Homestead Alliance
Canadian Voices Against Racism
Caribbean Solidarity Network
Centre de Medecine Intégrée
Centre for the Arts
Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar
Children’s Peace Theatre
Church of St Stephen-in-the-Fields
Citizens’ Climate Lobby – Toronto
Climate Action Club
Climate Justice Guelph
Climate Pledge Collective
Climate Strike Canada
Committee for Future Generations
Concordia University Centre for Creative Reuse
Council of Canadians – Toronto chapter
Council of Canadians Guelph Chapter
Council of Canadians Hamilton Chapter
Council of Canadians Kent County Chapter
Council of Canadians Kitchener-Waterloo Chapter
Council of Canadians Medicine Hat Chapter
Council of Canadians Nelson chapter
Council of Canadians Northumberland Chapter
Council of Canadians Windsor-Essex Chapter
Council of Canadians-Avalon Chapter (NL)
Council of Canadians, Peterborough and Kawarthas
Council of Canadians, Powell River Chapter
Council of Canadians, Regina Chapter
Cree Warriors Society
CUPE 1281
CUPE 3906
CUPE Toronto District Council
Decolonize Together
Defend Ohiyo
Democratic Socialists of Canada – Ecosocialist Caucus
Democratic Socialists of Canada – Toronto
Disability Justice Network of Ontario (DJNO)
Divest Dal
Divest UVic

Dwayne Gretzky Band
Earth Education League
East Los Angeles-Revolutionary Action Party
Eco-Just Food Network
Environmental Data & Governance Initiative
Equity FIRST
Extinction Rebellion Greater Toronto
Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area
For Our Kids Toronto
Fossil Free UWaterloo
Fridays for Future
Fridays for Future Calgary
Fridays for Future Toronto
Friends of Chinatown TO
Gaiadigm Books, Inc.
Golden Egg Permaculture
Greater Toronto for BDS (BT4BDS)
Green Majority Radio
Green Wave West
Greenpeace Canada
Guelph Anti- Pipeline
Guyanese Organization of Indigenous People (Affiliate)
Hamilton 350 Committee
Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion
Hamilton Community Legal Clinic
Hamilton Encampment Support Network (HESN)
Hamilton Students for Justice
Health Providers Against Poverty
Heung Coalition
HR4A Saskatchewan
Idle No More
IfNotNow Toronto
Ikake Rising
In Defense of Liberation
Indigenous Anarchist Federation
Indigenous Faculty and Staff of University of Toronto Mississauga

Indigenous Solidarity Committee/Seniors for Climate Action Now!
Indigenous Solidarity Working Group – CUPE3906
Indigenous-Italian-Canadian-Connections Initiative, University of Toronto
International Socialists
InterReligious Task Force on Central America
Intersex London Canada
Islamic Family (IFSSA)
Island Natural Growers
Italian-Canadians for Black Lives
Japanese Canadians for Social Justice
Just Earth
Justice for Palestinians, Calgary

KAIROS Halifax
Kashmir Gulposh
Kitchener South — Hespeler NDP Riding Association

Land Of Talk
Leap UofT
Life Substitute
London Environmental Network
manidoons collective
Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition
Matriarchs in Training
Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Action
Midnight Sun Magazine
Migrant Students United
Music Declares Emergency Canada
Music for Climate Justice
Nanabush’s Apiaries
Native Youth Sexual Health Network
Neighbourhood Legal Services
Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)
Nikkei Resisters
North East Coast Allies
North Okanagan-Shuswap Electoral District Association
Northern Voices Rising
Not Another Black Life
O:se Kenhionhata:tie Land Back Camp KW
Ontario Education Workers United
Ontario Parent Action Network
OPIRG Carleton
OPIRG Peterborough
Osgoode Hall Law Union
Ottawa Sanctuary City Network
Palestine Solidarity Collective at York University
Pandemic Theatre
PAPS (Prison Abolition Prisoner Support)
Parkdale Community Legal Services
Parkdale People’s Economy
Pedagogy of the Digitally Oppressed
People’s Health Movement – Canada
Photographers Without Borders
Plataforma de Acuerdos Público Comunitarios
Porcupine Warriors
Powell Park Community Garden
Prairie Sage Protectors
Project DROC
Protect Our Indigenous Sisters Society BC
Punch Up Collective
Queen’s Native Student Association
Quit RBC/Lâche RBC
Raging Grannies Toronto
Re:searching for 2SLGBTQ+ Health
Research for the Front Lines
Resource Movement
Rising Tide North America
Samantha Daniels Consulting
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Scarborough Tenants Union
School of Labour, George Brown College
Secular Synagogue
Shake Up The Establishment
Showing up for Racial Justice – Saskatoon (SURJ YXE)
Sinixt Land Defenders

Sister Circle Consulting
Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste
Solidarité NABRO
SOS Territoire
South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy (SANSAD)
St. James Town Community Cooperative
Student Christian Movement Canada
Students for Harm Reduction
SummerWorks Festival
Sunflower Alliance
Tea Base
The Bike Brigade
The California Faculty Association
The Climate Emergency Sailboat
The Continuing Education Students’ Association of X University (CESAX)
The Critical Knowledge Collective
The Guelph Outdoor School
The Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice
Theatre Passe Muraille
to know the land
Toronto East End Climate Collective (TEECC)
Toronto Overdose Prevention Society
Toronto People’s Assembly on Climate Justice
Trans Peer outreach
Trinity St Paul’s Centre for Faith Justice and The Arts
Truth & Reconciliation Community — Bobcaygeon
UNITE Against Racism Guelph
University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union
University of Toronto Law Union (UTLU)
UofT’s Indigenous Studies Student Union
UTM Sexual Education Centre

Vancouver Island Water Watch Coalition
Water Watchers
Wet’suwet’en Solidarity Front Bay Area
Wet’suwet’en Solidarity UK
Wilderness Committee
Windsor On Watch
Workers Action Centre
World Federalist Movement of Canada – Toronto Branch
Wreckonciliation @ XUniversity
X Graduate Students Union
XR Hamilton Indigenous Affinity Group
YCL-LJC Toronto
Young Communist League of Canada – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada
Young Japanese Canadians of Toronto
Your Downtown Guelph Friends
YU Fossil Free