Wet Moss

Artist: Emma Wright

Medium: poem

Wet Moss

Licking the current.
Toying with the rush.
Swirling in unexpected concentric joy.
A green so lush it sinks deep into the skin. Recalling other times.
Times past and times to come.
Times that allow for slippery, wet, bubbling breath to grip for hours onto what is otherwise unholdable.
When all you know is rock
and water
and movement.
Yet your being evokes too much to contain in words.
Just the feeling,
not of touch,
but of joining your delicious glow.
until we are subsumed by the ecstasy of life.
We never imagined it was possible.
Yet here we are.

The poem above expresses similar ideas as Into the Well and adds the layer of pleasure and joy that we would experience and have access to in a world without extractivism. When we no longer see the life around us as something to own and exploit, but rather something that is part of us, and more so a part that connects us to our deeper selves. To know that to experience profound joy and pleasure depends on such a state of oneness/wholeness. Extractivism would not even be a conceivable form of existing in the world.