Una llamada para la imaginación

Una llamada para la imaginación

**Fecha limite extendida hasta el 16 de abril** La conferencia minera más grande del mundo llega cada año a Toronto, Canadá y está organizada por la “Association Canadiense de Prospectores y Desarrolladores” (PDAC). Este año, la conferencia se volverá completamente...
TAKE ACTION on Bill 197!

TAKE ACTION on Bill 197!

Is Ford using the pandemic as his chance to destroy laws that protect Indigenous sovereignty, defend environmental safety, and uphold our right to say no to extractive projects in Ontario? We have until November 10th to have our say about it! Click here for more...
Mining in the time of COVID-19

Mining in the time of COVID-19

Hello friends,  We hope you’re doing as well as possible during these times of both incredible difficulty and powerful global uprising. Many of you, like us, may be spending a lot of time figuring out what effective activism looks like in the new terrain of a pandemic...