by mininginjustice | May 26, 2017 | MISN Update, Press Release
As the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights begins its country visit of Canada, Human rights activists staged a sit-in today at the North York constituency office of MP Michael Levitt, chair of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights. The...
by mininginjustice | May 2, 2017 | MISN Update, Upcoming Events
This isn’t clickbait. This is real life. This is the Canadian mining industry. Last week two friends of MISN were arrested in Peru after showing a documentary exposing Hudbay Minerals’ track record of human rights and environmental abuses. Stop by this Canadian mining...
by mininginjustice | May 1, 2017 | Case Studies, MISN Update, News, Take Action
REPORTBACK: Barrick AGM and the Porgera Women’s Delegation Barrick’s Annual General Meeting this year focused on survivor-led organizing in Papua New Guinea, as we were honoured to have the presence of two survivor-advocates against sexual violence in...
by mininginjustice | Apr 18, 2017 | Case Studies, Company Profiles, MISN Update, Upcoming Events
April 24, 7pm: We Believe Survivors of Canadian Mining Panel April 25, 10:30am: Barrick AGM Protest, 255 Front St. RSVP via facebook. Every year, we gather outside of the Annual General Meeting of Canadian mining giant Barrick gold, to amplify the voices of those...
by mininginjustice | Mar 17, 2017 | MISN Update
100 habitantes de Toronto toman un “Tour Toxico” de la Ciudad que termina en la Convención Minera Domingo, 5 de Marzo de 2017 Toronto, Canadá: PDAC, la convención minera más grande del mundo, inició hoy su 85 evento anual en Toronto. En respuesta al pedido de la...
by mininginjustice | Mar 9, 2017 | MISN Update
This year, we intervened in PDAC, the world’s largest mining convention in a number of ways! We held a panel event entitled “Belly of the Beast: A Biopsy of TO’s Mining & Financial Sectors” Click here to watch video footage of the...